Keys To Living A Simpler Life

Enjoy every moment you have with your family and friends. Sometimes we don’t realize what we have until it’s gone. Savor the moment and make every effort to strengthen your relationships.

Be Content with what you have:  A few years ago I discovered I was a “below average woman” because I don’t have nearly enough shoes in my closet! The average woman has 90 pairs of shoes! I was sharing this fact with a friend of mine, and she admitted that she has 120 pairs of shoes. Keeping up with so many shoe boxes and finding a place to store them can make life very complicated – Some people are clearly obsessed with “stuff” and have allowed the accumulation of “stuff” to take the place of the most important thing in life – spending time with God!

Want to live a simpler life? Here are 5 keys to unlocking the “Simplify Door”:
1. Do your best to live at peace with everyone.
2. Pay your debts on time.
3. Stay away from sinful lifestyles.
4. Take your physical well-being seriously.
5. Choose your friends wisely.

“When your goals are in harmony with God’s plan for your life, you are bound for a happier and simpler life!”

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